1. Wow, I lived in Las Vegas for over 2 years and honestly did not know about a lot of these! It makes me want to plan a trip back and check them out! Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. I love finding all the unique things to do in Vegas 🙂 The rides at the top of the Stratosphere are so much fun! I couldn’t bring myself to do the Skyjump when we were there….next time maybe! haha. I had never heard of the Mob Museum – I gotta check that out next time! Thanks for sharing all these fun ideas 🙂

  3. Some good stuff but I am a Vegas regular. Just left a couple of weeks ago and going back in less than 30 days.
    Sadly, right now, I would be hard pressed to recommend anyone spending much time on Fremont Street Experience. It has deteriorated so much over the years. Between the buskers and the panhandling and the homeless people, it has become quite unpleasant. There are no nice shops or restaurants outside of the casinos and the construction is a nightmare.
    I genuinely feel bad for anyone who comes for the first time, looks around and thinks ” This is Las Vegas????”.
    Even as someone who grew up in Vegas and returns many times over the years, I will definitely NOT be coming back to Fremont Street anytime in the near future. It’s very sad.

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