1. I went to this place a few years ago and we paid the 5$ per person fee 😀 It was almost end of day so we couldn’t stay for long inside the caves but just being there hearing the waves crash against the rock as the sky turned darker was amazing 🙂

  2. Lovely photos and looked like you had a great time. I am hoping to go to Puerto Rico in the coming months, so I will definitely want to take a trip here.

    Ashlee | ashleemoyo.com

  3. When you look back in time it is odd to realize that we have changed so much and yet not at all. I think your comment on the earliest emojis really brings that into focus. I would love to take a picnic basket and just chill here. Is outside food allowed?

    1. Thank you Penny, such an insightful comment! I don’t know about a picnic basket but generally regulations are pretty lax on the island, so long as you take out what you bring in I don’t see why it’d be a problem 🙂

  4. We still haven’t been to the caves. There’s so much to do here in Puerto Rico! But I’m particularly excited about Vieques. See you there in a few days! 😀

  5. It was an incredible experience. Beautiful and so rich in history and culture. I really do wish an organization would be formed to preserve it and teach our history to those interested. It’s such an important part of Our story. Worth the trip. Especially if you’re brave enough to climb down. Breathtaking inside.

  6. The wooden ladder is not there no more so you can not go down please update this add so peaple won’t be disappointed like me

  7. I was just there. They are now charging 10 dollars per person and give you a ticket stub for entry. They do not say it’s for parking. The stub itself said Division of Recreation.

    They have taken over ownership of this public recreational park.

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