1. I’ve had my PADI scuba license for almost four years and I highly recommend it. You can dive anywhere in the world and the license never expires! The MUSA is on my bucket list!

    – Katie

  2. I’ve seen photos of this but never read about someone’s experience. It sounds super cool! Did you feel like half an hour was enough time to see the statues?

  3. Wooow, that must be a memorable museum visit. I was calling myself not a museum person, but I think even I would love to try this!

  4. This is SO cool, I’d love to do this! If I ever go to Mexico it’s going at the top of my list (I swam with whalesharks in Australia and it was awesome).

  5. I’ve known about this place for a long time but never met or read about somebody who’s actually been there! Really cool post! And the museum looks so nice and special…
    I’d love to see it too but I’m a bit scared of diving haha.

  6. This looks fabulous! But can you really get certified in one day to dive the museum?? After having gone through the Open Water certification, and knowing how much there is to learn and how many things can go wrong (and what you need to know to react), I wouldn’t be comfortable with that!

    1. I was nervous too but it’s an official PADI course for less challenging experiences, they have kids dive that use the ame videos to train. It was only 30 minutes and a shallow depth, and they said we only learned like 10 of the basic hand signals compared to 50+ that you’d learn in a full course. I’d love to continue learning and do more diving in the future!

  7. Oh man!! I would be so bummed not to dive with whale sharks!! That is such a shame!! But this experience looks amazing. Love the photos.

  8. This looks like so much fun! Glad you were able to check off another item on your bucket list when the tropical storm changed your plans.

  9. I did an underwater statue museum in Grenada, and it was awesome! More than 65 statues and equal parts cool and creepy =)

  10. I had never heard of an underwater museum, but it sounds fascinating. I’ll definitely be looking this up to learn more about the art. Good tips on scuba certification also. Very helpful!

  11. I’m heading to Cancun TODAY! Would love to do this. Questions: do you tip in American cash? And how much did the whole dive cost? Great article!!

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