Seabob Aruba


  1. This looks like a really cool experience, but I can’t tell how you breathe from your article — so could you tell us a little about that? Thanks!

  2. I have never heard of Seabobs. The thought of scuba diving scares me, so I’m not sure I’d ever do this myself, but I would love to explore a sunken ship. And go to Aruba. So maybe I need to rethink my fear of deep sea diving…

    1. I understand Juliann, the ocean is intimidating! I was also concerned about the wildlife within it, my mom pointed out that sharks live in shipwrecks haha but it was a great experience and lots of other tourists came later in the day so it felt popular/safe. An adventure worth trying, for sure!

  3. This is so cool! I love snorkeling, but haven’t tried diving yet. This sounds like a cool happy medium between the two. I’ve never heard of this but would love to try it!

  4. This definitely looks like fun. We would do this in a heartbeat. Last weekend, I went diving at Point Loma Kelp Beds and it was cold (53 degrees) and dark (10′ vis). This weekend I went diving at Catalina Island and it was a balmy 65 with 30′ vis. Taking a Seabob in tropical waters with great vis sounds so good right now.

    But girl, if you’re paying 1500 bucks for a scuba certificate, you’re shopping in the wrong place. You’re based in South Florida.. Check for Groupon special during the shoulder / off season and you can get certified for less than you’d imagine.

    1. Thanks for the tips Jenn! I’ve been keeping my eye out for Groupon deals, would love to get certified. And yes, I would totally skip out on the cold waters at first haha that sounds like a pro move! I hope you had a great time! 🙂

  5. This looks like such an adventure! And a water activity I’d love to try the next time I’m in the ocean. I was a little scared about not having the snorkel and having to hold my breath though. I’ll need to train myself to be underwater for longer!

    1. I was scared too! That’s why it’s good that you can go below for as little or as long as you like, I went under for longer as I got comfortable. Definitely a great adventure!

  6. Wow this looks like so much fun! I would love to try that one day. I’ve never even heard of it before. You also saw a lot of great sea life on your dive!

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