1. There is just soooo much there, it’s amazing!! I totally agree though – Hogsmeade is kind of plonked in like every other part of the park (which is still amazing, but … it’s a little weird hearing the Jurassic Park theme while looking at Hogwarts, right?!). They’ve got Diagon Alley spot on though! I loved the whole London area, and I love all the little “easter eggs” like calling the Ministry Of Magic from the phone box, using wands to do things, Knockturn Alley, it’s all just fab!

    Aaaaand now I want to go back.

  2. Wow! Harry Potter is the only book series I have ever read and the Park has been on my list for the longest time! I can’t wait to see the Castle <3 and the ride that I am most excited about is the Escape from Gringotts :O

  3. I absolutely LOVE this place and it was an absolute pleasure visiting in May. Not a Harry Potter fan but I thoroughly enjoyed it. My favorite part was the dragon spitting real fire at the Diagon Alley. Absolutely phenomenal!

    Thank you for helping me relive the memories. Great post too!

    travel lifestyle passion

  4. Wow! I never actually realized that there is so much of the book that has been turned into reality. J. K. Rowling is really impressive and her imagination is mind blowing… Literally! I would love to visit and live through the world. Sigh… Maybe not a reality.

  5. I’ve never been but I am a huge Harry Potter fan. The theme park never interested me until now. I will have to go there some day because it looks like a lot of fun.

  6. I absolutely love this! I want to go visit so bad!!! I can’t believe you can actually see as much as you can and in real life. This makes me love Harry Potter all that more. She really developed these characters into people we can completely relate to which is why I love that they provided so much to their fans. It provides so much hope, imagination and creativity.

  7. I’m certainly not the biggest Harry Potter fan, though I did enjoy the movies. And I would still absolutely love to visit! It’s so much about fantasy and being part of something you feel you know because you’ve seen the movies so many times…strange and familiar. How does that work? I hope I get the change to go sometime!

  8. I am so happy I read this. My boyfriend has been trying to get me to go to Orlando for years, he’s just convinced me to change our New England Fall Road Trip (cries to self) to go to Orlando. I love Harry Potter so reading this has made me feel much better with the decision.

  9. We are thinking about planning a trip to Universal for our family. Do you have suggestions about where to stay? Budget friendly preferably:)

    1. Hi Lauren! You have options, Orlando is filled with hotels especially around the theme park area. Anything on site is not budget friendly, so staying off site is your best bet. Most local hotels provide free transportation to the parks. I’ve stayed at the Holiday Inn or Days Inn — any hotel on sale that weekend basically — and have had no issues! Just make sure you’re looking for places with Universal as the main nearby attraction.

  10. These are all great tips! I was there today and was curious about the gringots bank and I wanted to go back and ask the goblin more questions! Now I have to trek back, luckily I bought a 4-day ticket and have 2 hrs in the morning!

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